Jun 10, 2018

Raya Mode ONNNN

Assalamualaikum everyone!

Don't ask me where I am. 'Cause I'm still struggling here in my uni preparing mentally and physically for the upcoming finals right after eid, which is on 26th of June. Prepared enough? Nah, only God knows how nervous I am. Still, earlier today, I felt like puking and stuffs because I've digested medical facts too much. Spirochetes is more like spiroshits. Whatever it is, forget about study for a while.

Luckily, I don't feel homesick at all. It's just that I'm just patiently waiting for raya. Oh, most of my friends have already went to their hometown because our class officially finished. But as for me, I don't even think I'd be studying at home. Thinking of doing house chores, baking kuih raya, raya preparation, it's all tiring and for sure, I'd not even touch my lecture notes. That is why I planned of going back a little bit late. But it's totally fine. It's cool here, it's all quiet, and calming, and satisfying. I could sing as loud as I want, dancing on my own, taking shower in a completely clean bathroom, karaoke in the shower, listening to the music as lunatic as it be.

Guess what? I only have one baju raya because I basically don't have much time for that. Probably on the second day of raya, I'll be locking my self in my room, studying. Call me geek, but I live for this. This is my choice, and it will be like this till the rest of my life. *crying to see my future*. Nonetheless, InsyaAllah it will be good, like real good! Have faith Put!

Talking about current obsession, I easily get attached to movies and stuffs. Right now, everyone including me is kinda hype about Samarinda Nur on tv3. Lol, been watching 4 episodes in a day just to catch up with the current episode. It's a very good drama because it portrays a real situation, a real judgemental mentality of people nowadays. Being those holier-than-thou, pious people, it doesn't mean that y'all are guaranteed to enter the paradise, and being a daughter of a prostitute, it is not even written on her fate that being in hell is her ending. Because what? People only judge on what they see and they listen. They don't even see the good ones praying, they don't even see the munafik ones doing some gigolo stuffs at the lorong. (Based on the drama). So yea. You can't judge people easily.

Talking about being judgemental, I have a few friends whom I feel uncomfortable to get attached to. They basically always have a bad thought on people that they dislike. And they assume things that they're not sure about. Imagine being a listener to that stuffs, 1) you can ignore it but your friends must be annoyed with you, acting angelic out of sudden or 2) you had to agree everything that your friends say. I've always stuck in between. I don't wanna be labelled as  'bajet alim' and also, I don't wanna join into their 'discussion' on judging people. But little do you know, I'm far from hurting anyone's feeling, so I just keep quiet when they talk, and I don't even say yes or no. I think that's the best?
No, that's not the way. Stop doing that and try not to even participate in the conversation. InsyaAllah, together we avoid on being talking bad about people around. It's like eating your own friends' flesh and blood. Nauzubillahminzalik.

Back to Nur drama, I suggest you to watch it since it's so good, so meaningful for me. I even cried in some episodes. P/s: I easily cry so yea.

Last but not least, Selamat Hari Raya in advance! Maaf zahir dan batin.