Sep 15, 2019

He loves me

Hello everybody! Assalamualaikum.

Today, I went out alone to the mall to have the time of my own. At first, I was contemplating about it as it would be so lonely to eat and shopping alone (said my weak heart) but my mum said, so what? Go enjoy yourself. So, I went out eventually.... and I took a Grab to got there. So, as I was shopping alone my cousin called and asked me where I was. I said I'm in Kuantan of course. She said, ok jom jumpa. She and her family came to Kuantan actually for a short trip and they actually wanted to take me out for a while. So they fetched me there from the mall and took me to eat something outside. I was thinking how beautiful God's plan is. Always, He'd not let us to be sad. I don't have so many friends here and my close friends here are not so close like you can go anywhere with them. It's like there's a barrier and it's kinda hard. Unlike my friends back then during my foundation life and my school friends. They are much cooler? Haha different kind of friendship I guess. So yeah that explains why I prefer to hang out alone.

P/S: I'm so addicted to Lover album. And my most favourite is Lover (I cried every time I listen to it). What's yours?!